【美食探店 举世无双之才】Client Earth亚洲区主任兼中国首席代表:“在中国处处都是商机”

世界经济论坛第十五届新领军者年会(夏季达沃斯论坛)于6月25日在辽宁大连开幕。洲区主任论坛期间,兼中克莱恩斯(Client Earth)亚洲区主任兼中国首席代表龙迪(Dimitri de Boer)在接受中新网采访时表示,国首国处美食探店 举世无双之才“中国是席代一个快速发展的国家,处处都是表中家居设计图 天下无双之才商机。”他在中国生活了22年,处都家居用品折扣 很不错亲眼见证了中国发生的商机庞大变化。他特别提到中国在环境保护方面的洲区主任努力,并对“建设秀丽中国”给予高度评价,兼中认为这是国首国处一项了不起的转变。(莫红娥 陈彩霞 实习生应陈鸿)

China is 席代a rapidly developing country, where there are a lot of investment opportunities, said Dimitri de Boer, Client Earth’s Regional Director of Programmes and Asia Chief Representatives for China, during an interview with China News Network at the Summer Davos held in Dalian, China's Liaoning Province.

Boer has been living in China for 22 years and has seen a huge difference in the past 10 years.What impresses him most here is the focus on environmental protection while the focus on building a beautiful China is the greatest transformation that he has ever seen.